
All About TD Jakes

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Pastor, author, artist, entrepreneur, philanthropist... international influence, Thomas Dexter - TDJakes entered the ministry in 1979 when he and a congregation of ten people founded the Greater Emmanuel Temple of Faith in West Virginia.

More than 25 years later, Christianity Today magazine called Bishop TDJakes church in Dallas, The Potter's House, "one of America's fastest-growing megachurches." In 2001, a TIME magazine cover asked, "Is This Man the Next Billy Graham?" Multiracial and nondenominational, the Potter's House has 50-plus active outreach ministries, more than 30,000 members, and a full-time staff of 300.

Bishop TDJakes was keynote speaker for the 2000 Congressional Black Caucus. He has visited the White House in meetings with both Presidents Bush and Clinton-and shared spiritual guidance with President Rawlings of Ghana and President Obasanjo of Nigeria. He was a guest of the King of Jordan, King Abdullah; the President of Trinidad, George Maxwell Richards, and in January 2005, the president of the Republic of Uganda, Yoweri K. Museveni, and his wife, Janet Museveni.

February of 2005, in his second cover appearance, Time magazine listed Bishop TDJakes among the country's "25 Most Influential Evangelicals." In 2006, Sridhar Pappu's in-depth look at TD Jakes as "the most powerful black man in America" appeared in The Atlantic Monthly. TDJakes books are revolutionary.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post.